"Out of the depths I cry to you, Lord;"
The word 'depths' brings two things to mind:
1. Deep water can be scary and overwhelming and risky and life-threatening and uncomfortable.
How am I at calling out to God when I find myself in places like this? Do I try and swim out in my own strength? Or do I just try and tread water until I can't keep my head above the waves?
Out of the depths of this overwhelming and uncomfortable life, I want God to be my number one speed dial—the first one I call always, but especially when I'm off the deep end (...watch as I dive in 𝅘𝅥𝅮𝅘𝅥𝅮).
2. This is not a shallow, half-hearted, out of obligation cry. This is guttural and real and desperate.
Am I being real with God? Or am I pretending I don't need him, trying to convince him (but more myself, let's be real) that I'm doing just fine in the deep water? He's not fooled by my pretences, just like he's not put off by my desperation. He already knows, he is just longing to hear me cry out to him.
And as the Psalm goes on to say, when we cry out to him, he is right there with all his forgiveness, unfailing love, and full redemption.
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