Monday, July 15, 2019

Seven Out Of Seven

A friend messaged me about this idea, saying "Does no one genuinely enjoy their work anymore and what is so great about weekends that we have to spend 5 days anticipating them?" And I wholeheartedly agree. But seeing as he had the passion for this, I challenged him to write about it, which he boldly accepted. Good on ya and thank you, Joel!

Without further ado, here is the first ever guest post on FindingTheLord (v. open to many more!).

Music, we all love it. For some of us it's the top 40 pop hits and for others it's the adventure of discovering up and coming subpop bands. Radio plays is a fantastic medium to get a daily fix of the latest hits. But here's the thing...

In modern society we have heaps of influence upon our lives from all spheres. Each seeking to impose their ministry on us and more often than not, detract our gaze from God. Radio has got to be one of the biggest social influencers, especially in the workplace. A concerning message, from a number of these stations, seems to be working its way into our minds.

Radio show hosts appear to have developed a culture of living life 2/7. Complaints of the start of the new week become the subject matter of a Monday. Tuesday through Thursday are just days closer to Friday, which means the weekend is finally here. They all celebrate and vocalize the exciting plans they have. Often the public are invited to share their various liberations from work on social platforms, or on air. The gist of these rants is the relief the weekend will bring from a work week.

This got me thinking, for 5/7 days we live in anticipation for two. Literally counting the hours before we are free from the grind. Surely there's more to life than living for the 2/7. What about the other five work days we so longingly wish away?

It's evident in scripture that God created humans to work. In Genesis it speaks of Adam tending to the fields before the fall. After the fall it was made clear that his labour would be made tough and that he would toil as a result of sin. Got that right! Nonetheless, we have inherited Adam's mandate to work and bring glory to God. (Gen 2:15)

Let's take it one step back and look at God in his being. If we are a race created in His image, surely we should carry his attributes? The answer to work then, lies blatantly in the previous sentence. God created. I can't really make this point more clear. In six days he spoke the world into creation, displaying his omnipotent power. Content at the end of his work, he exclaimed that it was good! God found joy in his labour, pleased with all he had made. (Gen 1)

"On the seventh day he rested", yes there's a place for rest. Let's dissect this a little.

God hasn't ever, didn't need and never will require rest. He doesn't just take the day off and park cheese, regaining his strength whilst the world carries on. Isaiah speaks of our God who does not faint and won't grow weary, heck we even sing of this in the song Everlasting God. (Ish 40:28) So what is this rest then? Quite simply, he ceased to create. In his omniscience he came the point where he knew he had created all lifeforms he saw fit to roam the earth and bring glory to his name.

What about the fourth commandment? This is a special one, "Remember the sabbath and keep it holy". A clear demarcation of a day we are to set aside to worship God. It's as if God knew we were going to lose our mandate to live for him along the way, so he helped us by electing a day. As years have past, society has perverted this and quite frankly it's just another day. As a kid I clearly remember ALL the stores being closed with the exception of kwikspar. One or two stores change trading days and the rest followed suit. For a number of years here after, we as a family would not shop on a Sunday out of principle, but this too faded. It's clear we've failed to honour God in setting aside this rest day where we cease to work and focus on him.

As humans in our fleshly body we grow tired and weary, just as Jesus did. Fully God yet fully man he too sacame to fatigue, even sleeping through a wild storm. The Bible does not negate the necessity of rest, but throughout Proverbs the lazy are harshly rebuked for their foolishness.

I started the self employed journey close on two years ago now. It's been one of the most rewarding yet draining tasks I've undertaken to date, but I love it. Dare I say, "I love my job". Yes there are those crazy tough days and sometimes weeks, where I cannot believe I'm still trying to run a a start up. Then the corner turns and there's a whole different view from the mountain that was just climbed and it is epic! It's unmistakably evident how God had had his hand of favour in my efforts to use the talents he has given me.

It reminds me somewhat of the parable of the servants and their talents. The one who buried his share was rebuked. He did this both our of fear to lose what he had been given and out of laziness in surity of the value of his return. Yet the one who carefully nurtured his, worked them and built a profit, was welcomed and rewarded by his master. It's unquestionable that God desires for us to be fruitful in our work, as long as we are doing it for his glory. Colossians speaks of the attitude we are to have towards our work. (Col 3:23)

I once read a quote, "One day when I meet God at the pearly gates I want to be able to say", "I used everything you gave me". It takes some thought to grasp the magnitude of this statement, our abilities as humans in our mere mortal eyes are pretty remarkable. We've reached the moon, the depths of the oceans, developed AI and advanced hugely in the medicine world. This is all a result of folks stepping up to the plate and pursuing their God given abilities, whether under common grace or as his children.

I challenge you to search out the God given talents you have. Seek to nurture and grow these to their full potential. Find joy in your work and give reason to those around you to question your passion to live out a purpose driven life. When we begin to align ourselves with God and his heart, our lives start to change and his perfect plan will be revealed. God created YOU, he knows your inmost being, he knit you together in your mother's womb. How could you possibly dream of not living out the life, the author life has given?

Go live life 7/7. (Col 3:17)

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