Saturday, November 29, 2014

It's A Trap!

Proverbs 10:9
“The man of integrity walks securely, but he who takes crooked paths will be found out.”

Integrity is a choice. It is made in the daily little decisions we make, the things we say no to, the things we do even when we don’t want to.

Integrity is hard. It is often the harder of the options in the choices we make. The crooked path seems more exciting and adventurous. It’s the kind of pretty road that you would Instagram.

It’s a trap!  That road leads to places you do not want to go. It’s a pretty looking road riddled with land mines called consequences that will blow up in your face when you least expect it [Proverbs 7:21-27]

Integrity isn't easy, but it is a safe road because we walk with the King of kings and the Lion of Judah.

Integrity is a road that leads to Jesus. If the people around us follow us down that road, they too will find Jesus.

It is the best road to walk because it leads to life.

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