Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Take Heart

John 16:33
“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

Fact #1: We will have trouble. It’s guaranteed by the One who sees and knows all things. Stop being surprised when troubles and difficulties come.

Fact #2: Jesus is the Prince of peace and in Jesus we may have peace. That ‘may’ (‘might’ in the KJV) kinda puts the ball in our court. Jesus opens the door for us to his mind-blowing peace. It’s ours to lay hold of through doing those things he told us and getting into him.

Fact #3: Jesus has overcome, and in Jesus we have overcome. Victory can be ours.

Moral of the story? Get your life into Jesus.

But more than the facts, my favourite thing about this scripture is this:

Jesus has told us that he will give us peace and that he has won the victory. It’s all taken care of. But he does ask one thing of us. He says, “But take heart!” Be brave! Have courage! Be strong! Have confidence! Be of good cheer!

Jesus has overcome the world. Live in that victory. Take heart!

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